
The Choral Fantasy, Coriolan Overture and the music for Goethe’s play Egmont in a single concert programme: meet Monumental Beethoven! It is no coincidence that the music will be performed by the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. The Conservatory at the Sablon is near Egmont Palace and the monument to Egmont & Horn. However the music for Goethe’s Egmont will be presented from a unique standpoint: that of Klärchen, Egmont’s beloved. Her view of events touches a raw nerve in our own time. Klärchen is brought to life by the German actress Jennipher Antoni. The revolutionary element of Egmont continues in the rarely-performed Choral Fantasy, a direct forerunner of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. It is a remarkable piece that transports its listeners from darkness to light.

Choir & orchestre of the Royal Conservatory of Brussels
Jennipher Antoni, reciter
Peter Van Heyghen, conductor

20:15 — 21:30

Saint Rumbold's Cathedral, Onder-den-toren 12, Mechelen

30% revolution
30% Klärchen
40% massive

Ludwig van Beethoven, Egmont, op. 84 Ouverture Coriolanus, op. 62 Koorfantasie, op. 80

12 euro

You can download the programme book on this page from mid-April onwards.