Nenia: Lessons in Farewells

Het Collectief feat. Katharina Smets

Nenia: Lessons in Farewells is a production at the intersection of music, audio and theatre. Following the success of the production and podcast Misia, Revue Blanche is teaming up again with the audio artist Katharina Smets for this new project. Nenia – literally ‘song for the dead’ – enquires into loss. How do you deal with the death of a loved one? What does it mean to go on living in the presence of absence? Does hope reside in memory, in the arts, in the encounter with the other? With this and other questions, Revue Blanche enters the borderland between a concert, audio documentary and narrative, between dream and parable, darkness and light. The composer Frederik Neyrinck tackles Orphic repertoire, from Claudio Monteverdi and Luigi Rossi to Christoph Willibald Gluck and from Franz Schubert to Hector Berlioz.

There will be a free introduction by Katherina Lindekens at 14:00 in the foyer of the city theatre.


Lore Binon – soprano
Caroline Peeters – flute
Kris Hellemans – viola
Anouk Sturtewagen – harp

Katharina Smets – audio, voice, text
Frederik Neyrinck – composition
Lise Bruyneel – video
Katherina Lindekens – dramaturgy
Jannes Dierynck – technical support
RE Antwerp – costums

15:00 — 16:15


30% concert
30% theatre
30% audio documentary
10% farewell

City Theatre

20 euro (-26: 12 euro)