Online ticket sales closed. There will be an extra few tickets available at the venue.
Lunalia 2024 will begin with Marc-Antoine Charpentier’s Te Deum, a composition that is unfortunately often reduced to the theme music of the Eurovision Song Contest. The Belgian ensemble Musica Gloria will reveal the piece in all its glory. The ensemble will combine this brilliant showpiece with music by the Swedish composer Gustav Düben and the Czech master Pavel Vejvanovsky, among others, uniting many musical European hearts in a magnificent opening concert.
View the program booklet here.
Musica Gloria
Noëlle Drost, Hannah Ely, Wei-Lian Huang & Ella Marshall Smith - sopraan
Filip Dámec, Pieter De Praetere, Sophia Faltas & Korneel Van Neste - alt
Adriaan De Koster, Michiel Haspeslagh, Yves Van Handenhove & André Perez - tenor
Nicolas Achten, Vincent Berger, Arnout Malfliet & Thomas Vandenabeele - bas
Julian Zimmermann, Matt Gajda - trompet
Matthijs van der Moolen - trombone & trompet
Jan Huylebroeck - pauken
Lea Sobbe – blokfluit I
Maruša Brezavšcek - bas dulciaan
Nele Vertommen - hobo I, pommer & artistieke leiding
Petra Ambrosi - hobo II
José Rodrigues Gomes - fagot & alt dulciaan
Elise Dupont, Madoka Nakamaru & Marieke Vos - viool I
Marrie Mooij, Shiho Ono – viool II
Lena Rademann, Hilla Heller – altviool
Anne-Linde Visser – basse de violon & cello (5-snarig)
Barbara Hünninger – basse de violon & viola da gamba
Evan Buttar – basse de violon & violone
Guilio Quirici - theorbe & gitaar
Nicolas Achten - harp
Bart Jacobs - orgel & regaal
Beniamino Paganini - klavecimbel & artistieke leiding
Direction and lighting design: Maja Jantar
Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
'Hear my prayer, O Lord', Z.15 (ca. 1682)
Pavel Josef Vejvanovsky (~1639-1693)
Sonata prima á 5, IV/70 (1666)
Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704)
Te Deum, H.146 (ca. 1688)
Solo by Wei-Lian Huang, Ella Marshall Smith, Filip Dámec, Adriaan De Koster, Michiel
Haspeslagh, André Perez, Nicolas Achten, Arnout Malfliet
Gustaf Düben (~1629-1690)
En kort Bröllop-Sång (ca. 1690)
Solo by Ella Marshall Smith, Filip Dámec, Sophia Faltas
Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
Celestial Music Did the Gods Inspire, Z.322 (1689)
Solo by Ella Marshall Smith, Filip Dámec, Pieter De Praetere & Thomas Vandenabeele
Joseph Farrer (?)
¡A la fiesta, a la gala, vengan! (1683)
Solo by Noëlle Drost, André Perez, Arnout Malfliet
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Gott ist mein König, BWV 71 (1708)
Solo by Hannah Ely, Sophia Faltas, Adriaan De Koster, Vincent Berger
Saint Rumbold's Cathedral, Onder-den-toren 12, Mechelen
85 % hearts of Europe
10 % cathedral sound
5 % Eurovision
St. Rombouts Cathedral
25 Euro (-26: 12 Euro)
This concert was made possible with the support of Construct Europe
This concert will be recorded by Klara and broadcasted during Klara Classic on May 8th at 20h.