On Saturday 26 April, from 14:00 to 17:30, the festival will burst into life with LUNALIA LIFT OFF. Enjoy free performances in Mechelen city centre, where short concerts offer a foretaste of what the festival has to offer. The Villanella choirs will have free rein in the St. Rumbold’s Cathedral. In Mechelen cultural centre, Elly Aerden will sing texts by J.J. Slauerhoff, the poet of longing. In the Predikherenkerk, blues guitarist Stef Paglia will be getting to grips with John Dowland. MATRIX [New Music Centre] will focus on the composer Kaija Saariaho and pay tribute to Cathy Berberian at nona arts centre. The music doctor will also be waiting there in the Matrix Pharmacy to receive patients, moonstruck or otherwise.
30% musical Mechelen
30% exploration
40% family outing